Three days of emotional events to celebrate the historic brand of the Italian boat industry, sealed by a flyover by Frecce Tricolori.
Great expectations for the debut of the new flybridge Ferretti Yachts 670 at the Arsenale Venice, June 20th 2018 – Ferretti Group has chosen Venice as the venue for the 50th anniversary of Ferretti Yachts, scheduled between Piazza San Marco and the Arsenale from June 22nd to 24th 2018.
A very special appointment for Ferretti Group that will celebrate the 50th anniversary at the Serenissima with an exclusive three-day event.
Ferretti Yachts owners from all over the world will be involved, together with the city, in an exciting program dedicated to art, entertainment
and Italian culture.
Celebrations will start with a gala dinner at Palazzo Ducale, in front of the evocative “Paradise” of Tintoretto, the largest canvas in the world,
and the magnificent “Triumph of Venice crowned by the victory” of Veronese. From the ogival windows of Palazzo Ducale, exceptionally
donated for the occasion by the generosity of the City of Venice, guests will attend a parade of the entire Ferretti Yachts fleet that will sail
the waters of the San Marco basin in front of the most famous square in the world. At 7,45pm, thanks to the extraordinary participation of
Aeronautica Militare, the Pattuglia Acrobatica Nazionale, Frecce Tricolori, will fly over the city and Piazza San Marco. The sky of Venice
will be colored by the tricolor in the anniversary of the “Battle of the Solstice”, when exactly 100 years ago, in June 1918, the Italian Army
heroically resisted the last Austro-Hungarian offensive and during which Major Francesco Baracca, “Asso degli Assi” of the Italian Aviation
lost his life.
Thank to the availability of the Navy, the Venice Arsenal will be exceptionally open to the City and 11 wonderful yachts from 45 to 96 feet,
including the new world premiere Ferretti Yachts 670, will be moored within the Darsena Nuovissima.
The Venice Arsenal will also play host to the second evening of the 50th anniversary: on Saturday, June 23rd
, where guests will attend a dinner made by Cipriani, myth of Venetian fine dining in the world, and the concert of a great Italian artist.
On the eve of the event, Alberto Galassi, CEO of the Ferretti Group, said: “Show at sea and in the sky in the most beautiful city in the
world: when we thought about the celebrations for our brand that gives the name to our group, we wanted something unique and never
seen before. With the overflight of Pattuglia Acrobatica Nazionale, the fantastic places generously offered by the City of Venice and the
scheduled events, we will celebrate as best we could the 50th Anniversary of Ferretti Yachts and of our Group, a big Italian company whose
products are made in Italy in 7 construction sites that employ over 1,600 people. I’d like to thank the City of Venice and its Mayor, the Chief
of Staff of the Italian Air Force, the Italian Navy and all those who have made the Ferretti Yachts great in these first 50 years of history and
which are going to make this event unrepeatable, showing to the world the excellence that our Country is able to express”.
“I’d like to thank Alberto Galassi for having chosen our City and to welcome to Venice the whole Ferretti Group, their clients and all the
nautical lovers to the fifty-year celebration of a global leader in the construction and marketing of yachts and luxury boats and flagship of
Made in Italy – declared the Mayor of Venice, Luigi Brugnaro. “We are proud to welcome this important group to our City, which has
always made the link with the sea and the commercial and relational skills its signature. The Municipal Administration of Venice supports all
those businesses that continue, with effort and willpower, to keep the name of our country and our excellence high. Three days of events
where water, industry and innovation will be protagonists in the splendid Arsenale: a suggestive location to host, we hope from 2019, a
great boating exhibition open to all the most qualified operators. We will immediately start to work together with the Ferretti Group, and
other interested primary operators, with all the Venetian Institutions and the Navy to try to organize the first edition of the 2019 Venice Boat
Show at the Arsenale”.